
This course explores integrating teamwork skills seamlessly into both your home and work life. Throughout the course, you'll discover the art of effective communication, empowering conflict resolution strategies, and the impact of shared goals on collaboration. Uncover practical tools designed for you to build strong teams, navigate diverse perspectives, and leverage individual strengths for collective success. Explore how emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in creating a supportive atmosphere, not just at work but also within your personal life. Get ready to cultivate a holistic skill set that will empower you to lead and collaborate seamlessly, enhancing your approach to teamwork in every facet of your life. 


Recognizing and Celebrating Personal Strengths 

Understanding and acknowledging individual strengths, talents, and achievements in teamwork is crucial for several reasons: 

  • Promotes Inclusivity: Recognizing individual strengths ensures that every team member feels valued and included. It fosters a sense of belonging, contributing to a positive and supportive team environment. 

  • Optimizes Team Composition: By identifying and acknowledging each member's unique strengths and talents, teams can be strategically composed to leverage a diverse range of skills. This optimization leads to more effective problem-solving and innovation. 

  • Enhances Collaboration: When team members are aware of their own and others' strengths, they can collaborate more efficiently. Assigning tasks based on individual strengths promotes a division of labor that aligns with each member's expertise, leading to higher overall productivity. 

  • Boosts Motivation: Recognizing achievements, no matter how small, reinforces a positive team culture. This positive reinforcement serves as motivation for individuals to continue contributing their best efforts, fostering a continuous cycle of improvement and accomplishment. 

  • Improves Communication: Understanding individual strengths facilitates open and effective communication within the team. Team members can express themselves more confidently, knowing that their unique contributions are acknowledged and valued by their peers. 

  • Builds Trust: Acknowledging achievements and strengths builds trust among team members. When individuals feel appreciated for their contributions, it establishes a foundation of trust and mutual respect, crucial for effective collaboration. 

  • Encourages Personal Development: Recognizing strengths and achievements not only benefits the team but also supports the personal development of each member. It encourages individuals to further hone their skills and take on roles that align with their strengths, contributing to long-term career growth. 

  • Reduces Conflict: Understanding individual strengths helps prevent conflicts that may arise from misunderstandings or misaligned expectations. When team members are aware of each other's abilities, they can navigate potential challenges more proactively and collaboratively. 

Some real-life ways to recognize and celebrate personal strengths in the workplace are:  

  • Share Success Stories: During team meetings or informal gatherings, share success stories related to individual contributions. Highlighting personal achievements not only recognizes strengths but also inspires and motivates the team. 

  • Express Gratitude: Acknowledge the support and collaboration received from teammates. A simple thank-you or acknowledgment of assistance promotes a positive atmosphere and strengthens interpersonal relationships within the team. 

  • Participate Actively: Actively contribute in team discussions, projects, and initiatives. Demonstrating enthusiasm and engagement showcases personal strengths and encourages collaboration. 

  • Seek Feedback: Proactively seek feedback from colleagues and supervisors. Understanding how others perceive your strengths can provide valuable insights and help build a more self-aware and effective team member. 

  • Collaborate on Projects: Offer to collaborate with colleagues on projects or tasks that align with personal strengths. This not only enhances the team's overall performance but also provides opportunities for showcasing individual capabilities. 

  • Join Team-building Activities: Participate enthusiastically in team-building exercises and activities. These events are designed to promote teamwork and can help individuals recognize and appreciate the diverse strengths of their teammates. 

Embracing Resilience 

Navigating challenges in the workplace is like embarking on a journey—sometimes smooth, often with unexpected twists. It's about honing your problem-solving skills, learning to adapt, and discovering your resilience. Picture it as having a trusty toolkit filled with strategies to overcome hurdles. Real-life scenarios become our classroom; we explore case studies, engage in cross-functional collaboration, and analyze past challenges for continuous improvement. The key is not just overcoming obstacles but proactively steering towards success. Embracing change, cultivating resilience, and tapping into collective problem-solving—these are the threads woven into the fabric of conquering workplace challenges. 

Setting realistic and achievable short-term and long-term goals for personal development is crucial for teamwork in the workplace because it lays the foundation for a collective journey. Imagine a team as a fleet of ships navigating uncharted waters. Each ship, representing an individual, needs a clear destination and a course charted with achievable milestones. Realistic goals provide a roadmap, aligning individual aspirations with overarching team objectives. When everyone on the team has a clear understanding of their personal development goals, it fosters a sense of purpose and direction. Achieving these goals becomes a shared victory, boosting morale and creating a collaborative atmosphere. It's like synchronizing the compasses of each ship, ensuring they move in harmony toward a common horizon, ultimately enhancing the team's effectiveness and success. 


Communication Skills for Reintegration 

Developing active listening skills and expressing empathy are crucial for effective communication and teamwork. In the dynamic landscape of interpersonal relationships, especially within a team, these skills act as the glue that binds individuals together. Active listening ensures that each team member feels heard and understood, fostering a sense of inclusion and value. When team members express empathy, they not only acknowledge the feelings and perspectives of others but also create a supportive environment. This emotional connection builds trust and collaboration, key elements for successful teamwork. By actively listening and expressing empathy, individuals contribute to a harmonious team dynamic, leading to improved communication, enhanced problem-solving, and a more resilient and cohesive team. 

Some real-world ways to display active listening and empathy in the workplace include:  

  • Open-Ended Questions: Encourage team members to share their thoughts and feelings by asking open-ended questions. This promotes a deeper understanding of their perspectives and experiences. 

  • Validate Feelings: Acknowledge and validate the emotions expressed by your team members. This creates a supportive atmosphere where individuals feel heard and understood. 

  • Avoid Assumptions: Suspend judgment and refrain from making assumptions about others' perspectives. Active listening involves approaching conversations with an open mind. 

  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate active listening and empathy as a leader. When team members see these behaviors modeled at the top, it sets a standard for positive communication throughout the team. 

Clear expression of thoughts and emotions is pivotal for successful teamwork in the workplace. It serves as the cornerstone of effective communication, reducing confusion, aligning team goals, and building trust among members. When individuals articulate their ideas transparently, it not only facilitates conflict resolution but also encourages innovation and creativity within the team. The positive dynamics resulting from clear expression contribute to a collaborative work environment where diverse perspectives are valued. Moreover, it fosters empathy and understanding among team members, enhancing interpersonal connections. Ultimately, this communication clarity leads to increased productivity, heightened employee engagement, and the establishment of a cohesive and high-performing team. 

It’s essential to clearly express your thoughts and emotions to promote teamwork. Some easy ways to do this are:  

  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Avoid ambiguity by articulating your thoughts in a straightforward manner. Use simple and clear language to ensure that your message is easily understood by everyone. 

  • Choose the Right Time and Place: Consider the timing and setting when expressing your thoughts or emotions. Find an appropriate time for discussions, especially for more sensitive topics. 

  • Constructive Feedback: When providing feedback, focus on specific behaviors and their impact rather than making personal judgments. This promotes a constructive and solution-oriented atmosphere. 

  • Emphasize Solutions: When addressing challenges, shift the focus toward finding solutions. Clearly communicate your commitment to working collaboratively to overcome obstacles. 

Conflict Resolution Strategies 

Effectively handling conflicts is like tuning an instrument in an orchestra—it requires careful adjustments to create harmony. Rather than viewing conflicts as disruptions, consider them as moments for collective fine-tuning. Embracing open communication, active listening, and creative problem-solving lays the groundwork for a harmonious work environment. It's about recognizing that differences in perspectives are the diverse notes that, when orchestrated well, create a beautiful symphony. By learning constructive conflict resolution, individuals contribute to the collaborative composition that defines a successful and united team. 

There are some foundational skills for conflict resolution. A few of them include:  

  • I-Statements: Express your feelings and concerns using "I" statements to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, say "I feel..." instead of "You always..." 

  • Empathy Building: Put yourself in the other person's shoes. This can help create a connection and foster a more empathetic understanding of their position. 

  • Mediation: If needed, involve a neutral third party to mediate the discussion and guide the resolution process. 

  • Negotiation Skills: Develop negotiation skills to find compromises that address the concerns of all parties involved. 

  • Time-Outs: If emotions are escalating, agree to take a break to cool down before revisiting the discussion with a clearer mindset. 

Negotiation skills are crucial in navigating workplace conflict for several reasons. Firstly, conflicts often arise from differing needs, interests, or perspectives, and negotiation provides a structured framework to address and reconcile these differences. Effective negotiation allows individuals to find common ground, leading to solutions that accommodate the interests of all parties involved. Secondly, negotiation promotes communication and understanding, fostering a collaborative atmosphere where team members actively engage in dialogue to resolve issues. It also encourages a mindset of compromise, emphasizing the importance of give-and-take to reach mutually beneficial outcomes. Additionally, negotiation skills contribute to building positive relationships by demonstrating respect for diverse viewpoints and a willingness to find win-win solutions. Overall, in the complex dynamics of the workplace, negotiation skills serve as a valuable tool for managing conflicts constructively and promoting a harmonious team environment. 

Some basic negotiation skills are:  

  • Preparation: Know your goals, priorities, and potential compromises before entering negotiations. Understanding your own needs and those of others strengthens your position. 

  • Flexibility: Be open to compromise. A willingness to find middle ground fosters a cooperative atmosphere and helps build positive relationships.

  • Problem-Solving: Approach negotiations as collaborative problem-solving. Focus on solutions that address the underlying issues rather than perpetuating disagreements. 

  • Emotional Intelligence: Understand and manage emotions, both yours and others'. Emotional intelligence contributes to a positive negotiation atmosphere and helps prevent conflicts from escalating. 

  • Patience: Negotiations may take time. Avoid rushing the process, allowing for thorough discussion and consideration of all perspectives. 

  • Assertiveness: Clearly express your needs and advocate for your position. Balance assertiveness with respect for others' viewpoints to create a collaborative atmosphere. 

Reflection Questions:  

  1. What strengths and talents do you believe you possess that can contribute to a team? 
  2. What short-term and long-term goals align with your personal development and contribute to team success? 
  3. How can expressing empathy contribute to a supportive team environment? 
  4. Reflect on a time when taking a break (time-out) during a conflict proved beneficial. What did you learn from that experience? 


Identify one strength in a team member and express appreciation during your next interaction. 

Set a personal development goal related to resilience and share it with a colleague for mutual support. 



Introduction to Teamwork 

Teamwork at work is like the magic ingredient that turns challenges into victories. It's not just about working together; it's about blending skills and ideas to make something awesome. When teams collaborate, they bring diverse strengths to the table, making problem-solving a breeze and sparking innovation. Beyond the tasks, teamwork creates a positive vibe in the office, boosting job satisfaction and overall happiness. It's the secret sauce that powers productivity and adaptability, as everyone pitches in for success. Plus, being part of a great team is a constant learning journey, where skills grow, and everyone has a chance to shine. 

In promoting teamwork, it is important to understand the different roles of a team. Some of these include:  

  • Leader: The leader provides guidance, sets goals, and ensures the team stays on track. They are responsible for making decisions and motivating the team. 

  • Facilitator: This person helps manage the team's processes, ensuring meetings run smoothly, and everyone has an opportunity to contribute. They may focus on communication and conflict resolution.

  • Coordinator: Coordinators organize tasks, allocate resources, and ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities. They play a key role in planning and executing the team's activities. 

  • Innovator: Innovators bring creativity to the team, suggesting new ideas and solutions. They often think outside the box and contribute to the team's ability to adapt and evolve. 

  • Implementer: Implementers focus on turning ideas into action. They are detail-oriented and ensure that plans are executed efficiently and effectively. 

  • Contributor: Contributors actively participate in discussions and share their expertise. They may specialize in a particular area and provide valuable insights to the team. 

  • Listener: Good listeners pay attention to others' ideas, concerns, and feedback. They contribute to a positive team environment by ensuring that everyone's voice is heard. 

  • Problem Solver: Problem solvers thrive on addressing challenges. They work collaboratively to find solutions and overcome obstacles that the team may encounter. 

  • Supporter: Supporters offer encouragement and foster a positive team culture. They recognize and celebrate achievements, boosting morale and creating a cohesive team atmosphere. 

  • Specialist: Specialists bring specific expertise or skills to the team. They play a critical role in areas that require specialized knowledge, contributing to the overall success of the team's objectives. 

Cross-Functional Collaboration 

Building teamwork relies on appreciating the diverse perspectives within a team. It's like putting together a puzzle with pieces of different shapes and colors; each element brings something unique to the table. When team members understand and value these differences, it sparks creativity and better problem-solving. It's not just about getting along but tapping into a variety of ideas and approaches. Embracing diversity isn't just a checkbox; it's about creating a vibe where everyone feels heard and respected. By weaving together these distinct threads, teams become more dynamic, resilient, and capable of achieving outstanding outcomes. 

Some easy ways to promote collaboration amongst roles or teams include:  

  • Skill-sharing Sessions: Encourage team members to share their expertise or teach skills to others. 

  • Cross-functional Teams: Form teams with representatives from different roles to address specific challenges or initiatives. 

  • Cross-functional Meetings: Hold regular meetings that bring together members from different roles to discuss overall team progress and challenges. 

Effective Communication in a Professional Setting 

Taking the time to enhance communication skills is essential for building teamwork in the workplace because effective communication is the cornerstone of successful collaboration. It ensures that team members can express their ideas, share information, and understand each other, fostering a cohesive and harmonious work environment. Improved communication reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings, conflicts, and promotes a culture of openness and trust within the team. When individuals invest in refining their communication skills, they contribute to a more inclusive and supportive atmosphere, enabling the team to work together more efficiently, overcome challenges, and achieve collective objectives. Ultimately, the effort put into enhancing communication pays off in the form of stronger interpersonal relationships and a more productive and collaborative team. 

The foundational concepts of professional communication are:  

  • Clarity: Clearly conveying your ideas and information is fundamental. Use straightforward language, avoid jargon when unnecessary, and organize your thoughts logically. 

  • Active Listening: Actively listening to others demonstrates respect and helps you understand their perspectives. It involves giving full attention, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback. 

  • Conciseness: Being concise involves conveying your message with brevity and relevance. Eliminate unnecessary details and get to the point to keep communication efficient. 

  • Empathy: Understanding and acknowledging the emotions and perspectives of others is crucial. Empathetic communication fosters positive relationships and helps resolve conflicts. 

  • Adaptability: Tailoring your communication style to different audiences is important. Whether speaking with colleagues, superiors, or clients, adjusting your approach enhances effectiveness. 

  • Nonverbal Communication: Pay attention to body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Nonverbal cues can significantly impact how your message is received. 

  • Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone in all communication, whether written or verbal. This includes using proper language, grammar, and etiquette. 

  • Feedback: Providing and receiving constructive feedback is essential for growth. Constructive feedback should be specific, actionable, and focused on improvement. 

  • Confidence: Confidence in communication instills trust. Speak with assurance, maintain eye contact, and demonstrate belief in your message. 

  • Cultural Awareness: Recognizing and respecting cultural differences is vital for effective communication in diverse workplaces. Being culturally sensitive avoids misunderstandings. 

Reflection Questions:  

  1. Reflect on your preferred role within a team. How do your strengths align with the various team roles mentioned? 
  2. Consider a past team project. How did the diversity of roles contribute to the overall success of the project? 
  3. Recall a time when miscommunication or lack of clarity affected a team project. What steps can be taken to enhance clarity in communication? 
  4. In what ways can you cultivate cultural awareness in your communication to ensure inclusivity and avoid misunderstandings? 


Volunteer for a role outside your comfort zone during the next team project to gain diverse experiences. 

Practice concise communication by summarizing key points in your next team discussion or presentation. 



Creating a Supportive Home Environment 

Creating a nurturing home space is key for you as you step back into the workforce. Picture it as your sanctuary, a place where you build the emotional resilience needed for the teamwork skills we're exploring. A supportive home environment becomes your training ground for handling stress and mastering positive communication – skills that seamlessly transfer to your professional life. Think of it as a partnership between your home and work life, where the strength and support you gain at home empower you to tackle challenges in the workplace. It's like having a personal cheer squad that boosts your confidence and equips you to contribute effectively to your team. So, as you go through this course, consider your home as the nurturing foundation that propels you toward success in both life and work. 

There are some easy key ways to create a supportive environment at home that encourages expression and collaboration. Some of these include:  

  • Establish Routines: Establishing daily routines provides structure and predictability, reducing stress. This is particularly important for individuals reentering the workforce, helping them manage their time effectively. 

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Manage expectations by setting realistic goals and expectations for each family member. This helps avoid unnecessary pressure and fosters a supportive environment. 

  • Conflict Resolution Skills: Teach and model effective conflict resolution skills. Encourage family members to discuss conflicts calmly, find common ground, and work toward resolutions together. 

  • Create Personal Spaces: Allow each family member to have their personal space where they can unwind and recharge. Respecting individual boundaries contributes to a sense of autonomy and well-being. 

  • Express Gratitude: Foster a culture of gratitude by expressing appreciation for each other's contributions. This simple practice promotes a positive atmosphere and strengthens family bonds. 

  • Encourage Self-Care: Prioritize self-care for each family member. Whether it's taking time for hobbies, exercise, or relaxation, promoting self-care contributes to overall well-being. 

Balancing Work and Family Life 

Balancing life and work is like tending to a garden; it requires careful attention to each plant to ensure the entire landscape flourishes. Just as different flowers need unique care, your personal and professional aspects demand tailored focus. Nurturing this balance is akin to cultivating a vibrant garden, where the beauty of your personal life enhances the productivity of your professional endeavors, and vice versa. By tending to both, you create a harmonious environment that allows you to grow and bloom, preventing any part of your life from overshadowing the other. It's the art of cultivating a flourishing garden where each element complements and enriches the overall landscape of your daily experiences. 

Here are some strategies for striking a balance between work and personal life:  

  • Delegate Responsibilities: Delegate tasks at work and home to share the workload. Delegating empowers others and allows you to focus on tasks that align with your strengths and priorities. 

  • Regular Breaks: Take breaks during work hours to recharge. Similarly, schedule breaks during personal time to relax and engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. 

  • Technology Detox: Designate specific times to disconnect from technology. This break from constant connectivity can help create a healthy boundary between work and personal life. 

  • Quality Family Time: Dedicate quality time to spend with family and friends. Create meaningful connections by being fully present during these moments, fostering stronger relationships. 

  • Self-Care Rituals: Incorporate self-care rituals into your routine. Whether it's reading, exercising, or pursuing hobbies, these activities contribute to your well-being and overall life satisfaction.

Establishing Boundaries 

Setting boundaries is like creating a personal life manual that ensures you're not running on empty. It's the key to preventing burnout, helping you maintain focus during work hours without personal distractions. By clearly defining when work ends and personal time begins, you communicate expectations to colleagues and family, encouraging a balance that keeps everyone happy. It's not just about preventing work from taking over; it's also a roadmap for a more organized and productive team. Plus, having boundaries means you're not neglecting personal life, preventing stress and promoting a positive mindset. So, picture it as your secret weapon for a happy, balanced life where you can give your best at work and still have time for yourself and your loved ones. 

Some effective ways to set boundaries at work and home include:  

  • Designate Specific Work Hours: Clearly define your work hours and stick to them. This helps create a routine and signals to others when you're available for work-related activities. 

  • Create a Dedicated Workspace: Designate a specific area for work to physically separate it from personal space. This helps mentally switch between work and leisure modes. 

  • Set Clear Expectations: Communicate with colleagues and family about your availability and boundaries. Clearly express when you'll be focused on work and when you'll be available for personal matters. 

  • Use Technology Wisely: Turn off work-related notifications during personal time. Likewise, set boundaries on personal device use during work hours to minimize distractions. 

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Schedule regular breaks and prioritize self-care activities. This could include exercise, hobbies, or spending quality time with family and friends. 

  • Learn to Say No: Assess your workload realistically and don't be afraid to decline additional tasks if it jeopardizes your work-life balance. 

  • Establish Rituals: Create rituals that signify the transition between work and personal time. This could be something as simple as taking a short walk after work or having a designated winding-down activity. 

  • Plan and Organize: Efficiently plan your tasks to avoid spillage of work into personal time. Likewise, plan personal activities to ensure they don't encroach on work commitments. 

Community Support and Networking 

Building a Support System 

Building a support system is crucial for promoting teamwork as it provides a foundation of encouragement, understanding, and collaboration. This network of individuals, which can include family, friends, mentors, and colleagues, offers emotional support during challenges and celebrates achievements, fostering a positive mindset. Moreover, a strong support system can serve as a valuable resource for advice, guidance, and networking, enhancing professional development. It's like having a safety net that encourages growth, resilience, and collective success. 

The key components to a personal support network are:  

  • Family and Friends: The foundational pillars of support often come from close relationships with family and friends. Their emotional encouragement and understanding play a vital role in navigating challenges. 

  • Mentors: Having mentors provides valuable guidance based on their experience and expertise. They offer insights into professional growth and can help navigate the complexities of reentering the workforce. 

  • Colleagues: Building positive relationships with colleagues fosters a supportive work environment. Colleagues can offer advice, share experiences, and contribute to a sense of camaraderie within the workplace. 

  • Community Resources: Engaging with community resources, such as local organizations or support groups, expands the support network. These resources can provide additional assistance tailored to specific needs. 

Participating in networking opportunities is crucial for promoting teamwork as it opens avenues for collaboration and shared learning. Networking allows individuals to connect with professionals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives. By actively engaging in networking events, one can build relationships that contribute to a supportive work environment. These connections offer opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and the exchange of knowledge, ultimately enhancing teamwork. Additionally, networking helps in staying informed about industry trends, gaining insights into different roles, and accessing resources that can positively impact both personal and professional development.  

Giving Back to the Community 

Participating in community service activities can build a sense of purpose and connection. Getting involved in community service activities isn't just about giving back; it's a fantastic way to boost your teamwork skills. As you work on projects with others, you'll develop key collaborative abilities like communication and problem-solving. It's like a hands-on training ground where you not only contribute to a good cause but also build the kind of teamwork experience that employers love to see. So, during this course, think of community service as more than just doing good – it's a chance to sharpen your teamwork skills in a real-world setting. 

Some easy ways to get plugged into community service are:  

  • Local Nonprofits: Reach out to local nonprofit organizations and inquire about volunteer opportunities. Many organizations welcome helping hands for various projects and events. 

  • Community Events: Attend community meetings or events to learn about ongoing projects or initiatives that require volunteers. Local community centers often host events where you can connect with organizers. 

  • Online Platforms: Explore online platforms dedicated to connecting volunteers with opportunities. Websites and apps can help you find projects based on your interests and availability.

  • Churches and Religious Institutions: Religious institutions often organize community service projects. Check with local churches or synagogues to see if they have any ongoing initiatives.

  • Environmental Cleanup: Participate in local environmental cleanup events. These projects not only contribute to a cleaner community but also provide a chance to collaborate with others. 

  • Senior Centers: Volunteer at senior centers or nursing homes. Spending time with seniors and participating in activities fosters a sense of community and teamwork. 

Mentorship Programs 

In the realm of teamwork, mentorship serves as a guiding light, offering invaluable insights and encouragement to individuals navigating the dynamics of collaborative efforts. As you embark on the journey of learning about teamwork, having a mentor provides a source of wisdom and practical advice, helping you navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities. A mentor not only shares their experiences but also instills a sense of confidence and belonging within a team. Through their guidance, you gain a deeper understanding of team dynamics, communication strategies, and the importance of collective achievement. The mentorship journey becomes a collaborative venture, fostering a supportive environment that nurtures both personal growth and effective teamwork. 

Reflection Questions:  

  1. Reflect on your current home environment. How do routines and realistic expectations contribute to a supportive atmosphere? 
  2. How do you prioritize self-care in your home? Consider introducing or enhancing self-care rituals for each family member. 
  3. Share an instance where establishing boundaries prevented work from encroaching on personal time. 
  4. Reflect on a time when saying "no" was crucial for maintaining a healthy balance. How can you practice assertiveness in setting limits? 
  5. Consider the role of family and friends in your support system. How can you strengthen these foundational pillars of support? 
  6. Consider the value of community service in building teamwork skills. How can you integrate community service into your schedule during this course? 


Introduce a gratitude practice at home, where each family member expresses appreciation for others. 

Designate specific times to disconnect from technology during personal hours. 

Plan a dedicated family day or activity to strengthen family bonds. 

Attend a networking event within your industry, either in person or virtually. 

Explore volunteer opportunities with local nonprofit organizations. 


Additional Resources: 

Timo Lehti- The Magic of Teamwork

Kevin Cahill- Teamwork Reimagined

Fraser Halliwell- Teamwork