
In this course you will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. You'll explore leadership styles, identify personal strengths, set SMART goals, and craft a vision aligned with your values. The course delves into resilience-building, teaching strategies to bounce back from setbacks, boost self-confidence, and foster a growth mindset. You will learn the importance of a positive leadership reputation in career advancement, embracing feedback as a tool for personal growth. Through engaging activities and reflections, the course aims to equip you with the skills and mindset to navigate challenges, celebrate achievements, and lead with impact in both personal and professional spheres. 


What is Leadership? 

Leadership is the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others towards shared goals, holding profound importance in both personal and professional settings for fostering growth, collaboration, and positive impact. 

Leadership enhances personal empowerment by fostering self-confidence, promoting a sense of purpose, and providing the skills to navigate challenges effectively. 

Leadership Styles 

There are hundreds of leadership styles. A few common ones are: 

  • Transformational leadership- Transformational leadership is a style that inspires positive changes, fosters innovation and motivates individuals to exceed their expectations. 

  • Servant Leadership- Servant leadership emphasizes serving others first, fostering a culture of empathy, collaboration, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. 

  • Situational Leadership- Situational leadership adapts leadership styles based on the specific needs and readiness of individuals or teams in different situations. 

Identifying Personal Leadership Strengths 

Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses through self-assessment is like having a roadmap for personal growth and leadership development, helping you set goals that align with your values and ambitions. 

Leveraging strengths in leadership is like playing your best cards—maximizing what you're good at fosters confidence, productivity, and positive team dynamics. 


Goal Setting Basics 

SMART goals: SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that bring clarity and focus to leadership. They guide leaders by providing a roadmap, ensuring goals are well-defined, achievable, and contribute to personal and professional growth within a defined timeframe. 

Clear objectives in leadership are like a map; they give you a direction, make tasks less overwhelming, and help the team know exactly where they're headed. It's like having a GPS for success in the chaotic world of work. 

Short-Term and Long-Term Leadership Goals 

Identifying immediate leadership aspirations involves reflecting on your current strengths and areas for growth, while envisioning future aspirations requires imagining where you want your leadership journey to take you and the positive impact you aim to make. 

Aligning goals with personal values and professional objectives is crucial for fostering genuine passion, motivation, and a sense of purpose in one's leadership journey. 

Vision Development 

Crafting a Vision Statement for Personal Growth is important in developing leadership as it provides a clear roadmap, ignites motivation, and guides actions toward achieving meaningful and purposeful aspirations. 

A compelling vision serves as a guide for leadership actions by offering a vivid and inspiring picture of the desired future, aligning efforts, and motivating consistent and purposeful behaviors. 

Reflection Questions:  

What does leadership mean to you personally, and how do you see it influencing your life, both personally and professionally? 

Which leadership style resonates with you the most, and how might you incorporate elements of it into your personal empowerment journey? 

In considering SMART goals, how can you apply these principles to create clear and achievable objectives for your personal leadership development? 

What are some immediate leadership aspirations you can identify based on your current strengths? How do you envision your leadership journey in the long term? 


Develop one short-term and one long-term SMART goal for your personal leadership journey. Ensure these goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. 

Write a vision statement for your personal growth and leadership journey. Ensure it encapsulates your aspirations, motivates action, and provides a clear direction for your leadership development. 


Bouncing Back from Setbacks 

Bouncing back from setbacks in leadership is crucial as it cultivates resilience, fosters adaptability and maintains forward momentum despite challenges. 

Some ways to bounce back from setbacks include:  

  • Reflect and Learn: Analyze setbacks to identify lessons and areas for improvement, turning challenges into opportunities for growth. 

  • Seek Support: Connect with mentors, peers, or a support network to gain perspectives, advice, and encouragement during challenging times. 

  • Adopt a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities to develop and learn, fostering a mindset that views setbacks as stepping stones toward future success. 

Why is a growth mindset important in overcoming challenges? 

  • Embracing Learning: A growth mindset encourages seeing challenges as chances to learn and develop new skills. 

  • Persistence and Resilience: Individuals with a growth mindset tend to persevere through challenges, viewing setbacks as temporary and surmountable. 

  • Adaptability: A growth mindset fosters adaptability, allowing individuals to adjust strategies and approaches in the face of challenges, promoting continuous improvement. 


Identify Strengths and Celebrate Achievements 

Identifying personal strengths and celebrating achievements is crucial for developing leadership skills as it enhances self-awareness, boosts confidence, and provides a foundation for effective leadership. Ways to do this include:  

  • Self-reflection: Take time for introspection to identify your strengths by considering tasks or activities where you excel and receive positive feedback. 

  • Feedback from Others: Seek input from colleagues, friends, or mentors to gain insights into your strengths and accomplishments.

  • Maintain a Success Journal: Keep a record of achievements, big or small, to acknowledge and celebrate your successes regularly, fostering a positive self-perception.

Incorporate Positive Affirmations for Increased Self-Esteem 

Incorporating positive affirmations is important in leadership to cultivate a confident and resilient mindset, fostering self-esteem and empowering individuals to navigate challenges effectively. Some ways to do this include:  

  • Starting each day with affirmations that reinforce personal strengths and capabilities. 

  • Creating a list of achievements and reciting them regularly to boost confidence. 

  • Replacing self-doubt with positive affirmations during challenging situations to maintain a positive mindset. 

Reflection Questions:  

How do you typically approach setbacks, and what strategies can you adopt to transform challenges into opportunities for personal and professional growth? 

Who are the key individuals in your support network, and how can you strengthen these connections to gain valuable perspectives during challenging times? 

Who are the individuals whose feedback you value the most? How can you actively seek and incorporate their insights into your self-reflection process? 


Develop a strengths and achievements inventory. List your personal strengths and significant achievements, seeking feedback from at least two individuals to validate and enhance your self-awareness. 

Identify one person from your support network with whom you haven't connected recently. Reach out to them, share your recent experiences, and seek their advice or perspective on cultivating resilience and boosting self-confidence. 


The Power of Reputation 

A positive leadership reputation significantly influences career advancement by instilling trust, enhancing credibility, and creating opportunities for professional growth. 

A strong professional image has a lasting impact by fostering trust, credibility, and positive perceptions that contribute to long-term success and opportunities in one's career. 

Trust, Credibility and Opportunities 

Trust and credibility form the foundation for career opportunities as they enhance professional relationships, instill confidence in colleagues and superiors, and open doors to new responsibilities and leadership roles. A positive reputation built on trust and credibility increases the likelihood of being considered for promotions and career growth. 

A solid leadership reputation opens doors for advancement by instilling trust, enhancing credibility, and positioning individuals as reliable and competent, making them more likely to be considered for promotions and new opportunities. 


Feedback as a Growth Tool 

Embrace feedback as a valuable tool for personal and professional development.  

Feedback plays a crucial role in leadership by providing insights that enhance self-awareness, enabling individuals to recognize strengths and areas for improvement, ultimately contributing to improved performance and professional growth. 

Strategies for Constructive Criticism 

Develop proactive strategies for seeking feedback from colleagues, superiors, and mentors. Some ways to do this include:  

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular one-on-one check-ins with colleagues, superiors, and mentors to discuss your performance and seek feedback. 

  • Feedback Surveys: Create anonymous feedback surveys to encourage honest input from your team and colleagues. 

  • Open-Ended Questions: Pose open-ended questions in meetings or casual conversations to invite constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement. 

Specific and targeted feedback provides actionable insights, guiding focused efforts for improvement, and fostering a continuous learning mindset essential for leadership growth. 


Reflection Questions:  

Reflect on leaders you admire. What qualities contribute to their positive reputation, and how can you incorporate these into your own leadership style? 

Consider a time when a positive reputation positively impacted your career. How did trust and credibility play a role, and how can you actively cultivate these elements in your professional interactions? 

Recall a specific instance where feedback, whether positive or constructive, significantly contributed to your professional growth. How did this feedback influence your subsequent actions and decisions? 


Create a vision board that visually represents your leadership aspirations. Include images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your goals. Share your vision board with a mentor or colleague, discussing how it reflects your leadership journey. 

Distribute sticky notes to team members. Ask them to anonymously write positive feedback or recognition for a colleague and place it on a communal board. Celebrate these notes during team meetings. 

More Materials 

Simon Sinek- How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Drew Dudley- Everyday Leadership

Stephen Covey- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Sheryl Sandberg- Lean In